MO132-6.3 1SAM360000R1009 ABB MOTOR STARTER

Description: 1SAM360000R1009 MOTOR STARTER MO132-6.3 MAGNETIC ONLY MMS 690 VAC 6.3 A 1.77 X 3.42 X 3.54 IN
Manufacturer: ABB
SKU: AELR2825224
217.00 (SAR)
184.00 (SAR)

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The MO132-6.3 manual motor starter magnetic only is a compact 45 mm width device with a rated operational current of Ie = 6.30 A. This device is used to manually switch on and off loads/motors and to protect them reliably and without the need for a fuse from short-circuits. The manual motor starter

offers a rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics = 100 kA at 400 V AC. A combination together with overload relays or motor controllers allows the protection of motors. Further features are the built-in disconnect function, trip-free mechanism and a rotary handle with a clear switch position indication. The manual motor starter magnetic only is suitable for three- and single-phase applications. The handle is lockable to protect against unauthorized changes. Auxiliary contacts, signalling contacts, undervoltage releases, shunt trips, 3-phase bus bars, power in-feed blocks are available as accessory
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