Detailed technical data
Special device ✔
Customized label
Ceramic ball bearing
Delivery in returnable packaging
No operating instructions in the scope of delivery (SKS36S/SKM36S-HFA0-S01 operating instructions - 8024491, safe motor feedback system operating instructions - 8014060) Without side fixing screws
Standard reference device SKM36S-HFA0-K02, 1036558
Safety-related parameters
Safety integrity level- SIL2 (IEC 61508), SILCL2 (IEC 62061)
Category- 3 (EN ISO 13849)
Performance level- PL d (EN ISO 13849) 1)
PFHD: Probability of dangerous failure per hour- 1.3 x 10-8 2)
TM (mission time)- 20 years (EN ISO 13849)
MTTFd: mean time to dangerous failure- 874 years (EN ISO 13849)