Products tagged with 'initial / final module'
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CNVL-3H2 CAMOZZI Initial / final Module with 2 positions - Mod. CNVL
3x interface O-Rings manifold/manifold;
2x fixing nuts;
2x junction plugs;
6x interface seals valve/manifold (CNVL-3H2)
or 2x interface seals valve/manif. (CNVL-4H2);
4x fixing screws for valv
CAMOZZI Initial / final Module with three positions - Mod. CNVL
3x interface O-Rings manifold/manifold;
2x fixing nuts;
2x junction plugs;
9x interface seals valve/manifold (CNVL-3H3)
or 3x interface seals valve/manif. (CNVL-4H3);
6x fixing screws for valves
CNVL-4H2 CAMOZZI Initial / final Module with 2 positions - Mod. CNVL
3x interface O-Rings manifold/manifold;
2x fixing nuts;
2x junction plugs;
6x interface seals valve/manifold (CNVL-3H2)
or 2x interface seals valve/manif. (CNVL-4H2);
4x fixing screws for valv
CAMOZZI Initial / final Module with three positions - Mod. CNVL 3x interface O-Rings manifold/manifold;
2x fixing nuts;
2x junction plugs;
9x interface seals valve/manifold (CNVL-3H3)
or 3x interface seals valve/manif. (CNVL-4H3);
6x fixing screws for valves