Products tagged with 'rj45'
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Ethernet Media,RJ45,Standard,Straight Male,8 conductors (4 pair),Teal Unshld 24AWG Highflex TPE,100BASE TX, 100 Mbit/s,RJ45 Connector,Straight Male,standard,Build To Order Cable Lengths,1.90 EA ,Standard
CI-8551 COM. INTERFACE 5X SERIAL 2X RS-232, RJ45, 1W/5VDC 1X RS-485, RJ45 2X RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 8-PIN
CI-8551 COM. INTERFACE 5X SERIAL 2X RS-232, RJ45, 1W/5VDC 1X RS-485, RJ45 2X RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 8-PIN